Frequently asked questions

Conference registration

How do I register for the conference? 

To register please go to the registration page and complete a registration form.

Is an early bird discount available? 

Early bird discounts are available for a limited time only. Please visit the registration page for details on current early bird discount offers.

Can I purchase my conference registration on the day of the conference? 

Registration on the day of the conference is subject to availability with payment only available via credit card.

Can I attend for only one day?

Day rates are available on our registration page. This day rate includes morning and afternoon tea and lunch at the conference venue. The day rate does not include tickets to social events, these can be purchased separately via the registration portal.

What is included in the cost of my registration? 

The registration fee for participants includes admission to conference sessions, morning/afternoon tea and lunch at the conference venue. Please see the registration page for more details.

Where can I view my conference registration information?

To view your conference registration information please log in to the registration portal or refer to your conference registration email. If you have forgotten your log in or are unable to find your registration confirmation, please email

Can I get a refund if I cancel my registration?

Please refer to the conference cancellation and refund policy on the registration page. Cancellation fees may apply depending on the date of cancellation. All cancellations must be advised in writing and emailed to

Do I need insurance to attend the conference?
It is strongly recommended that delegates take out adequate medical, travel and personal insurance before travelling.

What happens if the conference is cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances?
In the event of industrial disruption or other unforeseen circumstances, the conference organisers accept no responsibility for the loss of monies incurred by delegates.

Conference accommodation

Can you help me book my accommodation for the conference?

A limited number of rooms have been reserved on behalf of the conference delegates. Please visit the accommodation page for hotel information and rates. To secure the conference accommodation rates bookings should be made when you complete your conference registration online. If you have already registered and would like to book accommodation, please email

How do I know if my conference accommodation has been confirmed?

If you have requested conference accommodation, your accommodation will be listed and confirmed in your conference registration email.

How can I amend or cancel my conference accommodation? 

Please contact Expert Events to amend or cancel your conference accommodation. Cancellation fees will apply to cancellations made within 30 days of the conference dates. See the accommodation page for details.

Can I book accommodation outside of the selected booking/conference dates?

Yes. If you would like to request nights before or after the conference, please input them into the additional nights’ field in your registration form. Expert Events will confirm any additional nights with the hotel and send you an updated confirmation email. 

Meals and dietary requirements

What meals will be provided at the conference?

At the conference morning/afternoon tea and lunch will be provided to conference delegates.

What beverages will be available?

Tea, coffee and water will be available throughout the day at the conference venue. 

How do I advise my dietary and special requirements? 

Please advise us of any special dietary requirements when completing your conference registration. Your dietary requirements can be viewed and updated in the registration portal.

What to wear

What is the dress code for RMA25? 

The dress code for the conference is smart casual.

Is there a dress code for social events and community gatherings?

The dress code for the social events and community gatherings is smart casual, except for the Conference Awards Dinner which gives you time to shine in smart business or cocktail attire.

Conference program

How can I see what sessions will be presented before I arrive at the conference?

Please refer to the program page to see the full conference program. The program will also be available on the conference app, one week before the conference.

Where can I find more information about the speakers?

Speaker information is available on the conference app and website on the speakers page.

Conference app

How do I download the conference app and what are my login details?

One week before the conference you will receive an email with the conference app login details and instructions. We recommend you download the app before you arrive at the conference.

Is it necessary for me to download the conference app?

We highly recommend you download the conference app to maximise your engagement and enjoyment at the conference. On the conference app, you can view the conference program, build your program agenda, take notes at sessions and export them for future reference. You can also view a list of the attendees, speakers, sponsors, and exhibitors and connect with them via direct in app messaging.

At the conference

Where do I go to check in and get my name badge at the conference?

On arrival at the conference venue please check in and collect your name badge at the RMA25 registration desk. Please ensure you check in at the registration desk before attending the Welcome Reception.

Do I need to wear my name badge at the conference?
The wearing of identification badges is mandatory for admission to all sessions and conference social functions.

How can I find out when and where someone is scheduled to present? 

Please refer to the RMA25 program on the conference app or program page on the website for presentation session times and room details. The program will also be available on a noticeboard located near the registration desk at the venue.

What time will lunch and morning/afternoon tea be available?

Please refer to the conference program on the conference website or app for mealtimes.

Do you have a prayer room and where is this located?

A quiet prayer space is available in Room M2 from 7am to 5pm on conference days.

Do you have a parents’ room and where is this located?

A private space for parents is available in Room M1 from 7am to 5pm during the conference. While this room offers a quiet space for parents and children, please note it is not supervised and children must be accompanied at all times.

How can I request disability-specific facilities for the conference?
If you require disability-specific facilities, please notify the conference organiser by indicating this during the registration process.


What practices do you use to limit the environmental impact of this conference? 

The RMA25 conference committee and organisers are committed to supporting sustainability practices and reducing the impact of our events on the environment. Our efforts to reduce the carbon footprint of this conference include:

  • Printed materials are kept to a bare minimum.
  • Attendees are encouraged to use electronic resources such as referring to the conference program via the conference app or website.
  • Attendee name badges are printed on fully recyclable paper.
  • Sponsors and exhibitors are encouraged to exercise environmental values and practices in their participation.

What can you do to limit the environmental impact of attending this conference?

  • If budget allows, when booking your flight, choose to offset your carbon footprint.
  • Most of the accommodation options offered by the conference organiser are located near the conference venue. Where possible, we encourage you to walk or use public transport between locations.
  • Choose to follow the waste separation instructions at the venue and at your accommodation.
  • Bring a drink bottle to fill at the water stations at the conference venue.
  • Bring a reusable bag to carry your conference materials in.
  • Recycle where possible, such as your lanyard.

What does Crown Perth do to limit their impact on the environment?
Crown Perth implements comprehensive waste, water, and energy management initiatives across its operations. The property maintains extensive recycling programs for multiple materials and diverts food waste to composting facilities. As a Platinum Waterwise Business, Crown Perth saves 50,000 kilolitres of water annually through bore irrigation systems and has reduced resort-wide urinal water usage by 96%.
Energy conservation measures include smart control systems, energy-efficient lighting, and automated building management systems. These technical solutions are supported by staff education programs and participation in environmental awareness events.